Tank Mix Options

Diacon® IGR / Centynal EC Insecticide

  • Applying a tank mix of Diacon® IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide to your stored grains helps provide control of stored product insects. Help end infestations that damage stored grains and lower your profits. Extend damage-free stored grain by virtually eliminating reinfestations. Knock down invading insects before they have a chance to get a foothold in your operation. A tank mix of Diacon® IGR and Centynal EC Insecticide controls the full spectrum of stored grain insects including granary weevils, Indian meal moths, lesser grain borers, red flour beetles and more.
  • The active ingredient in Diacon® IGR is (S)-methoprene, an insect growth regulator with a long residual that interrupts the insect life cycle and prevents larvae from developing into adults. The active ingredient in Centynal EC Insecticide, Deltamethrin, is a pyrethroid insecticide with a proven history of controlling a broad spectrum of insect pests including those that infest stored grains. That means once infestations are eliminated, the chances of rebound are greatly reduced.

Diacon® IGR / Centynal EC Insecticide / PBO-8® Synergist OR Diacon® IGR PLUS / PBO-8® Synergist

For problematic infestations, such as rice weevils, give the tank mix a boost with PBO-8® Synergist. The Piperonyl Butoxide in PBO-8® synergizes the Deltamethrin in Centynal EC Insecticide by blocking the weevil’s ability to produce the mixed-function oxidase enzymes that metabolize insecticides. Add PBO-8® Synergist to your tank mix for an added boost of control power, with increased knockdown and flushing action.

  • Control from larva to adult
  • Active prevention of reinfestations
  • One process to control stored product insects
  • Profit protection
  • Versatile application options
  • Protection for extended storage periods

On-Grain Treatments: Bug Free Grains

Proper Stored Grain Sanitation Practices from Bug Free Grains
